Physiologically, any person going through these phases of the sexual response cycle was built: sexual desire, sexual arousal, and as a result, the orgasm, and resolution phase.
The regulation of functions of sexual sphere of the human nature created by bodies such as the cerebral cortex, as subcorticalis structures, some of the center of the spinal cord. All the sexual centers that regulate sexual function, closely related, but of course, there are clear interaction, just obey, they form a single whole system.
Libido, arousal and as a consequence the orgasms

Sex drive or libido depends on the biologically appropriate activity of the glands of internal secretion, the testes in men and the ovaries in women, the adrenal glands in both sexes and is caused by the metabolism. Of course, the sexual desire, excitement, orgasm can not be achieved without the participation of, the normal functioning of the brain.
A healthy adult man the degree of irritability of the sexual centers, as well as the strong sexual desire to was to determine the level of hormones.
There is no absolute dependence the sexual desire of the anthropological differences, for example, browns, blacks have a stronger sex drive than blondes. Another example of people not a high-growth sexual attraction can be stronger than the high. Women asthenic physique, to achieve orgasm you will need a greater amount foreplay or other effort than normal. The people of the southern countries, in warmer climates, libido, brighter, stronger. The temperament of the south are more actively developed than the north.
Of course, the sexual excitement of the men and women are fundamentally different. Often sexual arousal in women is lower than men's. Man desire usually appears before a direct contact, sexual intercourse arousal is growing very fast erection occurs very quickly after the resolution of the sexual excitement, of course, the erection will disappear completely.
In addition to the different hormones, as well as the erotic foreplay, stimulating the sexual function, as well as some important stimuli.
This type of sexual stimuli, only unique to each person, and personally for the reason that its presentation of sex, the sexual experience and the sexual ideas.
Affect sexual excitement can the music in the first place, exerted a stimulating effect on the deep structure of the brain and she is able to awake memories of erotic Associations, as well as the sexual experience
Women are able to respond to the psycho-emotional impact of pathogens is somewhat weaker than the men.
Often the women the waiting, the sexual relationship does not cause sexual excitement, but the most of men waiting for the sexual contact is a pronounced sexual excitement.
It is important to note that the nature of the male and female sexuality differ considerably.
Including sexual excitement caused not only the effect of certain hormones, pathogens, but also under the influence of a purely mechanical stimuli, as well as to the different types of stimulation, stimulants, sexual attraction, and then tap on the specific areas that are particularly sensitive to the relationship.
The famous American sexologists, masters W., Johnson V. the implementation of the sexual excitement a secret for some phase of excitation, namely the plateau phase to the phase of orgasm, and the phase of the so-called reverse development.

The first phase is the phase of sexual arousal in normal men after a short period of time, usually up to thirty seconds, from the beginning to the sexual stimulation increase the blood flow to the organs in the pelvis, and the difficult outflow of blood due to some compression of the veins. This leads to a sharp increase in the size of the penis, the growth is usually two to three times the penis becomes hardness, significantly extended to seven or eight inches in length. Once erection has occurred, the male immediately begins to seek liberation from sexual tension to a given discharge.
If the friction on the nerve endings of the penis, the vaginal walls during intercourse, the density of the contact is sufficient, the erection is constantly increasing, the sexual excitement increases. The men were becoming more common, breathing and strengthen the heartbeat may become red in the face.
If you suddenly stop contact, then sexual arousal can be quite fast, sometimes quite slowly weakened veins expand, the blood circulation will increase. Which in turn leads to the reduction of the size of the penis, and in the fall. If the connection is restored, and the erection, able to quickly restore it.
After all for anybody not a secret that women need a much longer time to prepare for the intercourse and influence the erogenous zones have already for a long time, you'll be able to, because a sufficient degree of sexual excitement, to be able to admit the singing of the vagina.
Of course, there are women who are more emotional, there is a very high secretory activity of the ovaries, these women are unable to achieve discharge even faster than a man.
However, the average woman with an average temperament, it is much harder to initiate sexual intercourse than a man, in the absence of adequate foreplay, the sexual organs of the women may not be prepared for the sexual intercourse, the vaginal walls almost closed enough to each other, lubrication is still missing, the flexibility, the not yet developed. Sexual arousal women, the woman is just the preliminary, sometimes quite long-term effect on the erogenous zones.
Phase of sexual excitement in women is very similar to the excitement phase in men. Also increase the blood flow to the pelvic organs. The labia will increase in size, as well as two or three times, changing color, pale pink can become almost a bright red. The clitoris is also great, also known as the women's sexual feelings can increase and a half, sometimes twice, like the penis, the clitoris will be to compress. Too loose becomes sexually excited, the vagina, the blood vessels, the vagina is filled with blood, it heats up, the muscles begin to involuntarily psychiatrist psychologist more than a vagina, which, in turn, contributes to an intimate contact, and the friction of the male penis during sexual intercourse.
In addition to the above, during strong sexual excitement of the genital organs women gain enough moisture, the vagina secretes lubricant, therefore, necessary, which is able to facilitate sliding of the penis into the vagina.
But if you are in a relaxed state women the vaginal walls so closely attached to each other, it remains only a small gap. The state of sexual arousal, the vagina will stretch and expand the cervix and then hang up and back. The diameter of the casing increases to the vagina appears a free place, which is suitable for sperm.
When you increase the excitement, this feeling reaches the desired height, and then continuously in this state for a while, I know -that this is the plateau phase. This is the phase in which the sleeve is adapted to the different sizes of the penis. Partners clearly feel the body each other. The woman's vagina, or rather the third part, is able to be reduced by half, when compared to the size of the size of the previous phase to the appearance of a narrow tube. Muscles of the female vagina, it is sufficient sexual excitement tightly cover the penis. So, there is a strong stimulation of bodies, or rather, the nerve endings for both partners.

This is the phase when the woman in the breast increases, there is a seal, or erection of nipples, it can also be increased by one centimeter and increase the diameter to half an inch.
The sexologists, masters W., Johnson V. description of the female orgasm. The orgasm is approaching, when the outer third of the vagina begins rhythmic contractions. Such rhythmic contractions affect the muscles of the uterus. The vagina is able to contract at intervals of eight-tenths of a second. Depending on the amount of intensity of the rhythmic contractions of the orgasm, or magical, or peaceful. Generally, if you exercise three to five orgasms contractions can be considered weak in the presence of six to eight orgasms contractions, the average intensity of the nine-eleven contractions, very strong orgasm. But these calculations are very subjective, as the women experience an orgasm extraordinary strength, or intensity, only three to five pieces.
The onset of orgasm in men is becoming more common, the number of respiratory movements, the pulse quickens. Has reached one hundred and eighty beats per minute, increased blood pressure could rise to twenty, sometimes more points. For example, the male orgasm can increase the normal pressure at a hundred and twenty millimeters of mercury, to two hundred. At the moment when the orgasm is reached can be redness of the face, but even the Breasts.
In particular, by varying the intensity of the female orgasm. It may be similar to the men, and short character, of course, could be reversed, that the prolonged, deep, I'll give you an indescribable happiness.
The female orgasm can be more than latent, and the latter twenty-sixty seconds, sometimes even longer. A prolonged form of orgasm may have a wavy character of the flow increases, then decreases, remains unknown number of ten seconds, sometimes even an hour and a half.
I found a number of women can experience multiple orgasms frequently, that follow each other with an interval of only a minute or two. These women are able to experience three and even four orgasms during the sexual contact.
There are times when a woman feels satisfied only if he will experience more, continuously following one after the other, the orgasm, the ten to twenty times. Most of these repetitive orgasms happen in the active stimulation of the clitoris.
If the man is confident that the skills that the partner experience multiple orgasms in a row, I have to restrain myself not to ejaculate, as this can lead to the fact that the partner may remain unsatisfied just an orgasm.
Therefore, women in the prolonged type of course orgasm, or do you need multiple orgasms to a partner, in the case, if not understated, as the option should assist the partner, and also stimulates the clitoris.
When you orgasm the woman's body as something like that happens ejaculation. At this time some opens the cervix, the who didn't break something, like the plug of viscous mucus, female, or secret uterine glands. Female, as if gently stroked more nerve endings, each more interesting to the feeling. Thereafter, the plug of mucus to rise back into the uterus, and the cervix closes tightly. After ejaculation, as men and women disappeared, intense feelings in the genital organs, the outflow of blood, all of it.
Even if a woman thinks she feels like someone is squeezing the body of the view, that the female ejaculation does exist, it's subjective, not proven.
Leading sexologists argue for years, but these conversations only theoretical value. But, in practice, a woman receiving an orgasm-I have no idea. As this process is called ejaculation, orgasm, or something else. The important thing is that he immensely loves.
The women decided to allocate five stages of the mating intent cycle arranged in series:
- The psychic phase covers the time interval from the moment when the woman felt the desire for sexual intercourse, until you decide to carry out your wishes;
- The sensory stage (lat., Sens, which means that the feeling of sensitivity). A restructuring of the visible quality, the increased reactivity of erogenous zones, and the need for them specifically to encourage;
- The secretory phase is characterized by the appearance of a moisturizing, lubricating secretions of the vagina;
- Orgasmic phase in this phase, the woman gets the best pleasure, sweet feeling, or orgasm;
- Relictum stage, at this stage, begin to weakening of the sexual excitement, the outflow of the blood circulation in the genital organs.
Inter alia, during sexual intercourse are distinguishable missio, or the introduction of the penis into the vagina, stage translational movements or friction, the stage of ejaculation, orgasm.
Many women think of sexual intercourse as the culmination of an emotionally demanding interpersonal relationship with a partner, I used to sex is not only physical proximity, but also as a spiritual method, a loved one.